
Probiotics! Do we need them?

  • 3 min read

he natural probiotics in our Kombucha have numerous health benefits, including improved digestion, reduced inflammation, better mental health, and even weight loss. So, what exactly are probiotics?

Probiotics are bacteria. 

Most people know that bacteria can cause infection and disease. But, did you know that the majority of bacteria are not only harmless, but helpful? There are trillions of bacteria living inside every person, mostly residing in the gut. 

These helpful bacteria have been shown to aid in

·       Boosted immune system

·       Good digestion

·       Healthy skin

·       Lower ‘bad’ cholesterol

·       Lower blood pressure

·       Positive mental health

·       Reduced inflammatory allergies

·       Weight loss

·       And many more!


Probiotics can be found in certain foods such as yoghurt, kefir, and sauerkraut. Unfortunately, probiotics in food can often be destroyed by stomach acid before the benefits are reaped. Plus, the quality and quantity of probiotic cultures in food is difficult to gauge. This is why our Kombucha is so important. Raw and made with the freshest, natural ingredients, our Kombucha retains the probiotic benefits that are lost in many pasteurised, synthetic supplements. 


The Importance of a Healthy Gut Flora

The gut microbiome, also commonly called gut flora, is a complex, carefully balanced eco-system of bacteria, and other microorganisms.  

Mostly living in the colon, the gut flora is responsible for several important roles. It creates vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and folate- some of the B vitamins. B vitamins support eyesight, energy levels, brain health, digestion, appetite, nerve function, red blood cell production, cell health, hormone production, and more.

A healthy gut flora also produces up to half the daily required amount of vitamin K; a vital vitamin for blood clotting, bone metabolism, and heart health. 

The colon is where fibres come to be turned into short-chain fatty acids which, despite the name, are important for digestive health, disease prevention, appetite control, and even combatting cancer cells. 

It’s important to maintain a healthy gut flora. Unfortunately, the delicate system is easily upset by modern, western life. A narrow diet, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption, smoking, poor sleep, and even the use of antibiotics can all cause an unbalanced gut microbiome.  

Pretty much everyone could benefit from regular, consistent doses of probiotics to give our gut flora a helping hand! 


Probiotics and Digestion

As a key part of your gut flora, it’s not surprising that probiotics promote healthy digestion. 

Probiotics are thought to help with issues such as:

·       Antibiotic related diarrhoea

·       Colic

·       Constipation

·       Inflammatory bowel diseases

·       Irritable bowel syndrome

·       Lactose intolerance

It’s not entirely understood how probiotics help combat certain digestive disorders, such as IBS, but it is known that they do. 

Probiotics can even fight helicobacter pylori infections- a harmful bacteria that is responsible for most causes of stomach ulcers and is a major cause of stomach cancer.  


Probiotics and Weight Loss

Your gut bacteria play a huge part in determining your body weight. People with clinical obesity demonstrate a different gut microbiome than those who are leaner, and changes in a person’s flora can be a factor in developing adult obesity. 

Certain strands of probiotic cultures, when taken every day, can help people shift excess body weight, particularly belly fat. 

Of course, our Kombucha is a supplement. It’s important to remember that it’s designed to supplement, not replace, healthy lifestyle choices. 


Probiotics and Mental Health

The mind and the body are connected. More specifically, the brain has a direct line to the gut: the gut-brain axis. 

Improving the ratio of ‘good’ to ‘bad’ bacteria in your gut can improve your mental as well as physical health. 

Certain probiotics form a group called psychobiotics. Research is starting to demonstrate that psychobiotics can help treat depression, stress, and anxiety, as well as reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. 

Research in these areas is still new. But it’s finally catching up to what we, at Booyah Vitality, knew all along- a healthy body is a healthy you. All of you.



The Miracle of Probiotics

Probiotics are, without a doubt, one of the superheroes of health. They improve digestion, boost the immune system, aid weight loss, combat inflammatory allergies, promote cardiovascular health, and even improve mental health, along with a host of benefits not even touched upon here. 

There are, of course, many probiotic supplements available online. 

But how do you know which one to take? 

Simple. Don’t limit yourself. 

There’s a reason we use unpasteurised, raw, natural ingredients in our Kombucha. Natural microorganisms contain a whole eco-system of different strains of bacteria, whereas synthetic supplements contain a set few. 

Besides, probiotics are only one benefit of our Kombucha. It’s also chock full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Not to mention, it comes in 3 delicious flavours. Try them all here!
