
How our drinks can help with Weight Loss…

  • 5 min read

If you’re looking to lose a bit of weight, look no further that our range of drinks at Booyah Vitality. As well as being packed of goodness to keep your health flourishing, our Kombucha, Turmeric Shot, and Dandelion Coffee can all aid in weight loss! Read on (or pop in to our hub for a chat) to find out how.

Turmeric and Weight Loss

Turmeric is, without a doubt, a miracle spice. It is antibacterial, anti-oxidising, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and even works as a cancer preventative! Turmeric’s remarkable health benefits mainly come from its active compound, curcumin; curcumin is also what gives turmeric its recognisable, bright orange colour.

The anti-inflammatory abilities of curcumin are also helpful in aiding weight loss. Being overweight is linked to having a chronic, low-level inflammation of the metabolic system. It’s a vicious cycle; being overweight triggers the inflammation, and the inflammation triggers weight gain.

Most food in a typical western diet (red meat, processed foods, refined carbohydrates such as white bread or rice, sweetened drinks, etc) are pro-inflammatory. This means they set off reactions in our body that promote metabolic inflammation. Curcumin works within the affected tissues and cells in two ways; it inhibits the infiltration of inflammatory molecules, and promotes the production of adiponectin, an effective anti-inflammatory compound our bodies can produce.

When taken regularly, curcumin (and therefore turmeric) may reduce BMI, weight, inflammation symptoms, and waist circumference.

Waist circumference is a particularly important issue as a high waist measurement (even if not overweight) is directly correlated with a range of health conditions, such as;

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Heart disease

  • Stroke

  • High blood pressure

  • Dementia

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Cancer

  • Insulin resistance

Turmeric does not just help you lose weight, it helps you avoid gaining it in the first place.

Adiponectin is an important compound produced by our body that helps to regulate our metabolism; the breaking down and use of nutrients in our food. A slow metabolism often leads to weight gain as our bodies can’t convert and discard food quick enough, converting it to storage fat instead. Enter curcumin to the rescue! Curcumin increases the production of adiponectin in our bodies, promoting a faster and more efficient metabolism.

Kombucha and Weight Loss

If a Turmeric Shot isn’t your style, drinking our Kombucha can help you on your weight loss mission.

Kombucha is made with green or black tea, depending on the flavour- ours is organic, of course. Both types of tea contain a natural compound called Epigallocatechin Gallate (or ECGC). ECGC supports weight loss in several ways. First, the compound encourages the body to boost thermogenesis, which is where the body produces heat by using stored energy. People who regularly consume green tea have a slightly higher body temperature than those that don’t, promoting a higher calorie burn while at rest. ECGC alone isn’t particularly effective at reducing body fat, but when it is combined with caffeine, results can be spectacular. Both green and black tea naturally contain caffeine, although less than coffee does. Regularly drinking green or black tea has been shown to promote weight loss, and smaller waist circumference.

It’s important to note though, that the weight loss effects of green or black tea are only really effective after consistent consumption for several months- so it really is about creating a new, healthy habit if you want significant results.

That being said, swapping out your usual fizzy drinks or alcoholic mixers for a glass of kombucha every now and then will still be beneficial. Not only because of the whole host of health benefits of kombucha, but because they contain far less sugar than your average fizzy drink. It is by no means sugar free- organic sugar is a key ingredient in our Kombucha- but it is still far less calorific than most other fizzy options, or even fruit juices.

Be warned though, some brands of kombucha that you will see in the from a supermarket can often be packed with preservatives and sugars or artificial sugars to make it last longer! Our hand made, small batches of kombucha only use as much sugar as necessary, and we certainly don’t add any nasty preservatives.

Due to the fermentation process, Kombucha also contains acetic acid- the same acid that is found in apple cider vinegar. Acetic acid increases the body’s production of the enzyme AMPK, which boosts fat burning, reduces the production of sugar and fat in the liver, and reduces storage of fat around the waist. Acetic acid also suppresses your appetite!

Dandelion Coffee and Weight Loss

Dandelion coffee is actually just dandelion root that tastes like coffee- a great caffeine free alternative to your morning drink.

Dandelion root is a natural diuretic, which means it promotes the production of urine. Increased volume and frequency of urination helps the body shed water weight, which is super helpful if you’re feeling bloated. Women in particular can be susceptible to retaining water weight, specifically during menstruation. Dandelion coffee can definitely help with that!

Studies have found that dandelion supplementation can increase your body’s endurance. This means that it’s the perfect drink to have before a good workout or a nice, long walk. You’ll be able to exercise for longer, meaning more calories burnt. One researcher even found that dandelion root works just as well as weight loss drugs at reducing belly fat; the most dangerous type of fat to have.

Dandelion coffee promotes enzymes in your liver which are in charge of reducing fat absorption. It also stimulates the production of stomach bile, which aids in quicker, more efficient breakdown of your food. This means less unnecessary fat stored!

It also is a Prebiotic which is important for making the probiotics work better. Prebiotics are necessary for weight loss. Studies have shown that without the right amount of prebiotics in the gut can make the ability to lose weight very difficult.

On top of that, dandelion coffee is low in calories. Swapping your daily cup of coffee for dandelion coffee not only gives you a host of health benefits (dandelion root is a fabulous liver cleanser and aider of digestion, without the negative impacts of caffeine), but sets your body up for more efficient fat burning throughout your day.

So, Can Booyah Vitality Drinks Help Weight Loss?

Yes. Yes, they can.

As mentioned already though, they are definitely more effective when consumed regularly and long term. If you’re looking to lose weight, you need a habit change, not a quick fix. Quick fixes never work, anyway! As lifestyle changes go, adding kombucha, turmeric shots, or/and dandelion coffee into your daily drink rotation is a fairly low effort change with a high return. Obviously this would be along side a well balanced healthy diet and lifestyle to make this work.

Not sure which one is right for you?

Pop along to our unit for a free taste and as much friendly advice as you can handle.
